Underground storage or storage demise! The end of an era or a healthy metamorphosis! Will there still be something in the near future called storage industry? UGS – A COMPANY OF GEOSTOCK has opened its gates to over 105 participants from all over Europe and Russia during its traditional customer seminar on the 14th of November this year for the underground storage industry.
The participants were from different disciplines: mining authorities, environmental agencies, gas and oil supplier, storage operator, research and development institutions, universities as well as service companies. We want to thank the following high-level speakers, who contributed to the full success of this day as well as all participants who joined us:
1- Mrs Catherine GRAS, Managing Director Storengy Deutschland GmbH
Reinventing gas storage
2- Mr Michael KOHL, Managing Director innogy Gas Storage NWE GmbH
What makes the difference between safe and out for gas storages?
3- Mr Dr Stephan DEWALD, Managing Director Erdgasspeicher Peissen GmbH
Current situation of underground storage as a transitional phase in a continual transformation process of the energy supply
4- Mr Michael WECHSUNG, Head of Product Owner and Innovation, Steam Turbines, Principal Expert Siemens AG
Make CO2 work – Siemens NextGen Geothermal System
5- Mr Dr Hartmut PICK, Head of Politics and legal Department BVEG – Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e. V.
Underground storage or storage demise? The future of the storage industry
6- Mr Dr Christoph MERKEL, Managing Director Merkel Energy GmbH
Untergrundspeicher in Deutschland – Strategische Perspektiven
7- Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohammed. M. AMRO
Contribution of Petroleum-Engineers to the German Energy transition