Robert SCHELER, Managing Director UGS GmbH
Dr. Amer ABDEL HAQ, Authorized Officer/Business Development Manager UGS GmbH
We want to thank all speakers and participants at our conference (UGS Customer Seminar), who contributed to the success of our meeting. On the 17th of November 2022, more than 80 experts from the storage industry in Germany and Europe gathered at UGS GmbH to discuss the current situation in terms of energy security of supply. The participants (over 80 participants and 9 speakers) were representing the storage industry: 30 companies and gas associations from storage institutions, oil and gas companies, universities, storage operators, mining authorities, energy experts and consulting companies, research and development institutes and service companies. During the conference the following topics have been discussed:
Prof. Dr. Gerald LINKE
CEO German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water
Vom Kleinen zum Großen: Wieviel geologischen Speicher brauchen wir für Wasserstoff, dem kleinsten molekularer Stromspeicher?
Catherine GRAS
CEO Storengy UK and Germany
What should be the role of underground storage during the transition to net zero?
Ladislav GORYL
Managing Director/NAFTA Storage
The Future of Underground energy storage: NAFTA´s approach
Dr. Dirk ZAPF
Leibniz University Hannover
H2-Speicherung: Nebenrolle!“
Franck ROGEZ
Chief Technology Officer/VINCI Construction Grands Projets – HYFINITY
Massive green hydrogen in Europe : a realistic target or a wishful thinking?
Reinhard RÜMLER
Authorized Officer/PWC GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
How “addicted” is Germany to Russian fossil hydrocarbons
Dr. Stephen Dewald
Managing Director/ErdgasspeicherPeissen GmbH
Wunsch und Wirklichkeit – heute und morgen – was kann das Speichern leisten?
Jörg STEINKE, Project Manager/Linde AG
Dr. Thomas RYLL, Managing Director/Dr. Ryll Lab
Erste mobile Wasserstoff Qualitätsmessung gemäß ISO 14687 und DIN EN 17124 -Grundlagen, Herausforderungen und Erfahrungen
Hope to see you all next year.